30 September 2010

The world's largest pipe-wrench?

Cooper loves it when anyone comes to fix things at the house (and at 137 years old, that's relatively often!!). I had been asking the people that do things to our steam boiler to come and check the valves since we had the leak early last year (the one that resulted in a complete new bathroom with not much thanks to insurance as they said we should have done more 'preventive maintenance'), and to investigate the loud banging noises inside the boiler and radiators for about 4 years. I finally decided to phone them every day until they came and made it very clear to them that it needed to be done before hunting season when half the workers in Michigan vanish to the forests for weeks on end. After a couple of weeks Ed and Larry showed up. Along with a few other jobs from my list, they ended up cleaning out and re-packing ALL the valves on all the radiators as all except for possibly a couple had potential for leaks and installed a rather large tap by the boiler for me to drain the sludge out every month or so. Finally, things are much quieter - we'll see if it makes any difference at all in our bills over Winter or not.... We were amazed at the large pipe-wrench they needed to use to install the tap by the boiler - it took two men to lift it and to turn it!


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